Arizona School Counselors Association
  • © 2024 AzSCA, Inc.
    P.O. Box 30776
    Mesa, AZ 85275-0776

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Annual Administrative Conference

The Annual Administrative Conference (formerly the Principal - Counselor Agreement) is a major part of advocating for your school counseling program. Advocacy starts at your site! 

According to ASCA, “the annual administrative conference is a formal discussion between school counselors and the administrator in charge of the school counseling program.” It allows the counselor to communicate their goals, priorities, use of time, as well as important dates for events like advisory council meetings. In addition, it allows for a discussion about the counselor’s role on campus as a staff member. What committees will you be serving on? How will you handle a part of the duty schedule? Do you have a budget for your program?

This is also a perfect time to request funds to attend the annual AzSCA conference.

ASCA Document Templates

Examples of Student Outcome Goals