Counselors in the Community

Thank you for letting us know about the good work you are doing in the community. It can be anything you (or one of your colleagues) is doing that explains what school counselors do - from a great Parents' Night presentation to an innovative program to an appearance on your local television station.

We look forward to hearing about how you are educating the public about the work of counselors or sharing your expertise with other members of our profession!

Name *
Your Title *
Your Organization *
Is this your project or someone else's? If it is someone else's work, please let us know their name, school and contact info.
Tell us about the type of outreach you (or your colleague). Was it a presentation, program, public speaking engagement, webinar, podcast, media interview? What was the topic?
If it was a media interview, is there a link to the story online? (If so please provide).
When did this happen (or, if an upcoming event, when will it happen)? (MM/DD/YY)
If it was a presentation, please upload any collaterals (slide deck, powerpoint, handout) here or provide a link to where we can access it. (If there is a video available, a link to the video would be great too!)
File of presentation
Do you have any pictures of yourself from the event or a headshot we could use?
Thank you so much for participating in our "Counselors in the Community" stories. Please initial below to authorize AzSCA to utilize your story in promotions and advocacy materials. *

Fields marked with * are required.

Your form submission WILL be encrypted using SSL to ensure your privacy.

Contact Us

P.O. Box 30776
Mesa, AZ 85275-0776

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2024 AzSCA, Inc.

Advancing the School Counseling Profession