
BOD Application

Thank you for your interest in supporting and advocating for Arizona's school counselors by running for a Board of Directors position! Please use this form to submit your application to be considered a candidate in the 2025 election.

For more information about the application and election process, contact Annette Riffe at atriffe@mpsaz.org or Cien Luke at cien@azsca.org.

This form will time out and can potentially lose your data if the page is left open too long before submitting. We recommend you compose your long text entries in a Word Document and copy/paste them into this form when you are ready to submit.

You MUST be a current member of both AzSCA and the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) to be eligible for a Board of Directors position.

Applications must be received by 11:59pm on Monday, January 20, 2025. 

First and Last Name *
Personal Email (Do not use your school email) *
Phone Number *
School / District *
ASCA Membership # *

Position Statements

Respond to the following statements in 200 words or less

As a school counselor, I believe... *
(Maximum characters: 1350)
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Why do you want to be an AzSCA Director? *
(Maximum characters: 1350)
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What will you add to the Board of Directors if you are selected? *
(Maximum characters: 1350)
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List your education and certifications. Include degrees, dates, and institutions *
(Maximum characters: 1350)
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Professional Experience

Provide a summary of your professional experience. *
(Maximum characters: 1350)
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Leadership Experience

Provide a summary of your leadership experience, including additional professional memberships outside ASCA and AzSCA. *
(Maximum characters: 1350)
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What else would you like us to know about you? (Optional)
(Maximum characters: 1350)
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Resume/CSV *
Professional Photo *
Self Attestation Form *
Commitment to Performance Form *
Letter of recommendation from direct administrative supervisor who has formal performance evaluative authority over the candidate (ex: building administrator), which includes a statement that the candidate is in good standing. *

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